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Pray with us


Prayer to the Holy Family

O Holy Family, bless and protect all the families of the world. Safeguard their unity, fidelity, integrity and dignity. Enable them to live according to God’s law, that they may fulfil their sublime vocation. May their lives be a reflection of yours, and may they enjoy your presence forever in heaven.




Prayer through the

Intercession of our

Mother Foundress

O God, by the light of the example of Blessed Mary of Jesus the Good Shepherd, by the warmth of her love for you, and by the generosity of her charity in the service of others, may she be an inspiration to us in all that we do. For your greater glory and for our spiritual benefit, we ask you to grant the grace we need through her intercession.




Prayer through the Intercession of the Blessed Martyrs of Nowogrodek

O most Blessed Trinity, we praise and thank you for the example of Blessed Mary Stella and her Ten Companions, Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth, who by imitating Jesus Christ, offered themselves as a sacrifice of love for others.  God of mercy and compassion, through the merits of their martyrdom and by their intercession, grant us the grace we humbly ask…, so that like them, we may witness with our lives to the presence of the Kingdom of God’s Love and extend it to the human family throughout the world. We ask this through Christ our Lord.




Prayer for the Beatification of Sr Malgorzata Banas

God of Mercy, your Son Jesus Christ lovingly fulfilled your will, and His death became the source of new life for the Church. Malgorzata Banas, a Nazareth sister of Nowogrodek, in following Jesus, accepted the challenges of her life and transformed them into a way of dedicated ministry to the Church. Grant that this faithful servant be counted among the blessed. May her witness of deep faith, courage, and love of neighbor help us to remain faithful to Jesus and His Church. Grant our petitions through her intercession. We ask this in the name of Jesus. 



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